Showit Website Template Tablet Mockup for Mindfulness Coach

Are you feeling ready to get your website up and running without breaking a sweat? Well, you’re in luck! We are here to make your life easier with Showit’s intuitive, drag-and-drop builder.

Launch Your Health and Wellness Website in No Time: A Quick and Easy Guide to Using Showit

Hey there health pro! Are you feeling ready to get your website up and running without breaking a sweat? Well, you’re in luck! We are here to make your life easier with Showit’s intuitive, drag-and-drop builder. Whether you’re a wellness coach, nutritionist, fitness trainer, physiotherapist or reiki master, this guide will show you the quickest and easiest way to launch your Showit website. Let’s dive in and get that site live baby!

1. Set Up Your Showit Account

First things first, let’s get you set up with Showit:

  • Sign Up: Head over to the Showit website and sign up for an account. They offer a free trial, so you can explore and get comfortable with the platform before committing.
  • Choose a Plan: Once you’re ready, pick a plan that fits your needs. Showit offers various plans, including options that integrate with WordPress for blogging. Get yourself a free month with our affiliate link by signing up here.

2. Select a Template

Templates are your best friends when it comes to getting your site up quickly. We offer Showit template designs that are created specifically for health and wellness businesses:

  • Browse Templates: Explore our website templates and find one that you love! They are so simple to customize, that you can get your website live in less than a week.
  • Preview and Choose: Preview a few templates to see which one fits your vision. Once you find the perfect match, select it and start customizing. Tip: Find a template that has the pages and structure you need, so if you sell services and a course, make sure the template you select has both of those pages – you can change your fonts, colours, photos, etc so it’s not as important as the structure.

If our templates don’t tickle your fancy, that’s totally cool! Here are a few other template shops that we love (and have some discount codes for 😉):

3. Customize Your Showit Template

Now it’s time to make your chosen template your own. This step is like decorating your new online home – make it reflect your brand’s personality:

  • Drag-and-Drop Builder: Use Showit’s drag-and-drop builder to customize your template. It’s super intuitive, so you can move elements around, resize images, and tweak your layout effortlessly.
  • Brand Colors and Fonts: Adjust the colors and fonts to match your brand’s aesthetic. This helps create a cohesive look across your site.
  • Add Your Logo: Upload your logo to the header of your website. This reinforces your brand identity and makes your site instantly recognizable.

4. Create Essential Pages

Let’s set up the must-have pages for your health and wellness website. These pages will provide all the necessary information your visitors need:

  • Home Page: Make a great first impression with a bold headline, engaging images, and a clear call-to-action (CTA). This is your opportunity to reel your user in, connect with them straight away so they stick around to learn more.
  • About Page: Share your story, mission, and values. Let visitors know who you are and why you’re passionate about what you do.
  • Services Page: Detail your offerings. Whether it’s one-on-one coaching, group classes, or nutritional plans, make it easy for visitors to understand what you do and how they can work with you.
  • Blog Page: If you’re using WordPress for blogging, Showit integrates seamlessly. Set up your blog to share valuable tips, success stories, and industry insights.
  • Contact Page: Make it simple for potential clients to reach out. Include a contact form, email address, phone number, and, if applicable, your physical address.

If you need some help crafting the copy for your health and wellness biz, our friends at Maha Copy Co. have you covered with their “Write Your Site Bundle”.

5. Add Professional Images

High-quality images can make or break a website. Here’s how to ensure your site looks legit:

  • Stock Photos: If you don’t have your own images, use high-quality stock photos that reflect your services and brand’s vibe. Websites like Unsplash and Pexels are really great free options.
  • Personal Photos: Whenever possible, use personal/brand photos to add authenticity. Pictures of you, your team, or your clients (with permission) can make your site more relatable for your user and build trust.

6. Integrate Essential Tools

Make sure your website has all the necessary tools to run smoothly and effectively:

  • Email Marketing: Connect with email marketing platforms like Flodesk, Mailerlite or ConvertKit. This helps you build and nurture your email list.
  • Booking System: If you offer appointments or classes, integrate a booking system like Acuity Scheduling, Cliniko or Calendly. This makes it easy for clients to book services directly from your site.
  • Social Media Links: Add links to your social media profiles, like Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn and Youtube. This encourages visitors to follow you, stay connected and build trust.

7. Optimize for SEO

Ensure your site is easily discoverable by search engines. This step is crucial for driving organic traffic to your site:

  • SEO Basics: Use relevant keywords in your content (think of the words your audience would search for when they’re looking for your services), especially in your headlines, meta descriptions, and alt text for images.
  • Install SEO Plugins: If you’re using WordPress for your blog, install an SEO plugin like Yoast SEO. These plugins can help you optimize your content for search engines.

8. Preview and Test

Before going live, make sure everything looks and works perfectly:

  • Preview Your Site: Use Showit’s preview function to see how your site looks on different devices. Make sure it’s responsive and visually appealing on desktops, tablets, and smartphones.
  • Test All Links: Click through all the links and forms to ensure they’re working correctly. A broken link can be frustrating for visitors and cause them to leave before they get a chance to book your services.

9. Go Live!

The moment you’ve been waiting for – it’s time to launch your site:

  • Connect Your Domain: If you already have a domain, connect it to your Showit site. If not, you can purchase one directly through Showit.
  • Publish Your Site: Hit that publish button and celebrate – your site is now live!

10. Promote Your New Showit Website

Let the world know about your shiny, spankin’ new website:

  • Social Media Announcements: Share the news on all your social media platforms. Include a link to your site and encourage your followers to check it out.
  • Email Blast: Send an email to your list announcing the launch of your new site. Highlight any new features or services you’re offering.
  • Word of Mouth: Don’t underestimate the power of word of mouth. Tell your clients, friends, and family about your new site, post it on your socials and ask them to spread the word.

The Wrap Up

Launching your Showit website for your health and wellness business doesn’t have to be a big, scary task. With Showit’s user-friendly platform and our step-by-step guide, you can have your site up and running in no time. So, what are you waiting for? Dive in, get creative, and get your website live. Need a helping hand? Don’t hesitate to reach out – we’re here to help you every step of the way. Let’s make your website stand out!

Do you need a little more support or a custom option? Contact us today for a consultation and let’s bring your vision to life!




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